Tower Hamlets Green Party Affirms Support For Trans Rights

We are pleased to announce that we have affirmed our support of the rights of trans people and standing against transphobia. This motion was recently approved at our members’ meeting on 8 March.

Motion 1 – Supporting Trans Rights and Standing Against Transphobia


We (Tower Hamlets Green Party) note the recent Council of Europe report on anti-LGBTI abuse published in January 2022, which condemned the level of abuse in the United Kingdom in particular, and stated that so-called “gender critical” ideology was highly prejudicial and deeply damaging to LGBTI people and harmful to women and children.

We also note that the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) has set out a clear Trans Rights policy in RR530-538 (

“The Green Party recognises that trans men are men, trans women are women, and that non-binary identities exist and are valid. We shall respect transgender and non-binary people’s identities as real. The Green Party shall include, and push for further acceptance of, transgender and non-binary people within all areas of society.” (RR530)

Recent events within the GPEW, including recent Conferences, have laid bare the transphobia that exists within our party. The consequences of such negative behaviour are clear: many trans, non-binary and ally members have either taken a step back from being actively involved in the party or resigned their memberships entirely as a direct result of these events. 

We wish to reaffirm that all forms of bigotry, including transphobia, are counter to Green values – whether expressed outright, through dog-whistles, or under the guise of ‘debate’ and ‘reasonable concerns’ – and have no place in our party.


We will continue to make Tower Hamlets Green Party a welcoming and safe place for all, including trans and non-binary people.

We will commit our Management Officers to ongoing training on intersectional equalities, in collaboration with GPEW and in consultation with LGBTQIA+ Greens Liberation Group. We will also aim to offer training opportunities to the wider local party.

We will continue to oppose all forms of dog-whistling and bigotry, including transphobia, as there can be no environmental justice without social and economic justice.

We urge the Leadership, Executive, Regional Council and membership of the Green Party of England and Wales to take a strong stance against transphobia in all its forms. 

Proposer: Simon Levey, Tower Hamlets Green Party


  • Alistair Polson, Officer, Tower Hamlets Green Party
  • Jack Gibbons, Secretary, Tower Hamlets Green Party
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